Performance evaluation of a dynamic telepathology system (Panoptiq™) in the morphologic assessment of peripheral blood film abnormalities
R Goswami, D Pi, J Pal, K Cheng, M Hudoba De Badyn
Int J Lab Hematol. 2015 Jun; 37(3):365-71
Digital pathology is an ever growing field with applications in a variety of different specializations. Through the review of this publication, we discover some of the abilities of Panoptiq™ software for reviewing hematological disease cases.
Throughout this examination, real time panoramic images were used for more accurate diagnosis of blood film abnormalities compared to saved static, digitally captured images.
During this study, 100 blood films were examined and this included 23 different kinds of hematological diseases. The correct interpretations of these morphological abnormalities were discovered in 83/84 hematological diseases and 12/12 in reactive/normal conditions. This highlights the fact that Panoptiq™ image quality is as good as glass slide evaluation for diagnostic purposes. Moreover, live streaming does not impact the quality of the image.
For a comparison in this study, the saved static images which were reviewed remotely, encountered interpretative omissions in 8/84 hematological diseases and 0/2 normal/reactive conditions.
By introducing more of these types of reviews to remotely located laboratories, or in communities which may not have specialized hematologists available for consultations, solutions such as Panoptiq™ software can be used.
For accurate morphological assessment during live streaming, real time operator-reviewer communication plays a strong role. The action of live streaming/real-time viewing aids in timely diagnosis at remote sites and also helps in expert second opinions instantaneously. This not only saves time and money for the clinics and hospitals, but also provides a higher level of patient care and satisfaction to pathologists by being able to provide remote-diagnosis to patients in need. Clinical care for these hematological diseases can then be started sooner, therefore increasing the survival rate. This is of immense value in optimal patient management.
If you or a lab you consult for would be looking for a quick remote consultation solution, contact ViewsIQ to learn more about how Panoptiq™ can activate live-stream video review to labs across the globe.