ViewsIQ Admin

About ViewsIQ Admin

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So far ViewsIQ Admin has created 20 blog entries.

ViewsIQ has earned Frost & Sullivan’s 2019 Customer Value Leadership Award


ViewsIQ has earned Frost & Sullivan’s 2019 Customer Value Leadership Award Frost & Sullivan’s industry benchmarking research finds ViewsIQ best positioned to offer digital pathology solutions through its dynamic microscope‐based scanning software, Panoptiq™, across hospitals, academic institutions, and research laboratories globally. For the Customer Value Leadership Award, Frost & Sullivan analysts independently evaluated [...]

ViewsIQ has earned Frost & Sullivan’s 2019 Customer Value Leadership Award2021-11-04T16:25:39-07:00

Advantage of Z-stacking for teleconsultation between the USA and Colombia


Advantage of Z-stacking for teleconsultation between the USA and Colombia A new study published in Diagnostic Cytopathology (see link) compared diagnostic concordance, image quality, and usefulness of Z-stacking of fine needle aspiration smears between whole slide imaging and Panoptiq™. Pathologists rated image quality from whole slide imaging at 8.3 versus 8.7 for those [...]

Advantage of Z-stacking for teleconsultation between the USA and Colombia2021-11-04T16:25:52-07:00

Online Experimental study of breast FNA consultation using Panoptiq™


Online Experimental study of breast FNA consultation using Panoptiq™ Many cytopathologists hesitate to ask for inter-institutional consultation via the shipping of glass slides for fear of losing them due to an accident.Compounding this is the fact that collection and preparation of cytology samples for diagnosis is difficult, and most digital imaging solutions, being limited [...]

Online Experimental study of breast FNA consultation using Panoptiq™2021-11-04T16:26:03-07:00

A small-scale experimental study of breast FNA consultation on the internet using Panoptiq™


A small-scale experimental study of breast FNA consultation on the internet using Panoptiq™ A new study published earlier this year on the use of Panoptiq™ for cytopathology clinical consultation. The study found that one of the greatest advantages of cytopathology consultation using digital technology is to collect opinions from multiple consultants in the shortest [...]

A small-scale experimental study of breast FNA consultation on the internet using Panoptiq™2021-11-04T16:26:17-07:00

Feasibility of Using the Panoptiq™ Imaging System for Telemicrobiology


Feasibility of Using the Panoptiq™ Imaging System for Telemicrobiology Publication by Daniel D. Rhoads, Ishtiaque Ahmed, Liron Pantanowitz ​ Telemicrobiology is challenging because of the high magnification and fine resolution required to identify microorganisms. This study evaluates twenty challenging microbiology cases that were digitally captured by Panoptiq™ at multiple objectives. ​ Read more here. [...]

Feasibility of Using the Panoptiq™ Imaging System for Telemicrobiology2021-11-04T16:26:29-07:00

Panoramic Digital Images (Panoptiq™) for Cytopathology Screening and Interpretation


Panoramic Digital Images (Panoptiq™) for Cytopathology Screening and Interpretation A publication by Liron Pantanowitz, Jacqueline Cuda, Juan Xing, Ishtiaque Ahmed, Anil Parwani, Sara Monaco Whole slide imaging in cytology is limited when glass slides are scanned without z-stacks for focusing. The Panoptiq™ imaging system is a novel technology that allows users to create digital [...]

Panoramic Digital Images (Panoptiq™) for Cytopathology Screening and Interpretation2021-11-04T16:26:45-07:00

Why Panoptiq™ is Useful for Frozen Sections


Why Panoptiq™ is Useful for Frozen Sections Theoretically speaking if we ask ourselves what would make the you know a good system for frozen section diagnosis in today's laboratory setting. Efficient image acquisition is necessary since the patient is on the surgery table as they're undergoing anesthesia and there're also often times multiple [...]

Why Panoptiq™ is Useful for Frozen Sections2021-11-04T16:27:21-07:00

Digital pathology implementation: Key lessons for success and a new method of interactive imaging


Digital pathology implementation: Key lessons for success and a new method of interactive imaging The growing healthcare needs in North America have created a number of challenges for modern pathology practices such as limited capacity for slide storage, reduced access to specialist expertise, and increased workload and budget constraints. In order for [...]

Digital pathology implementation: Key lessons for success and a new method of interactive imaging2021-11-04T16:27:33-07:00

Digital Pathology for FNA/ROSE & Frozen Sections


Digital Pathology for FNA/ROSE & Frozen Sections Digitally image in a few minutes. Remotely share with colleagues in a few seconds As a software-based solution, Panoptiq™ from ViewsIQ is a fraction of the complexity and cost of traditional whole slide scanners. Panoptiq™ provides continuous 3D imaging of regions of interest ensures the [...]

Digital Pathology for FNA/ROSE & Frozen Sections2021-11-04T16:27:46-07:00

Overcoming digital cytology barriers with an interactive imaging approach using Panoptiq™


Overcoming digital cytology barriers with an interactive imaging approach using Panoptiq™ Modern cytology practices in the educational and clinical setting still face significant challenges with implementing digital cytology. Key barriers revolve around the inability to effectively image 3-dimensional (3D) cytologic structures, high cost of implementation, heavy storage requirements, and long imaging process. This [...]

Overcoming digital cytology barriers with an interactive imaging approach using Panoptiq™2021-11-04T16:28:06-07:00